Make a Penalty Charge Notice Payment

Parking scam texts

We have recently received reports of residents receiving text messages claiming to be from the Council, asking them to pay a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). These messages include our telephone number.

The Council does not send text messages requesting payment for PCNs.

If you receive a message, do not respond or provide any personal information.

If you are concerned and have any questions or wish to verify your PCN, contact us directly by calling 01793 445500.

Start your payment by providing the details below

Enter your Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) Reference Number
This Is a 10-digit penalty charge notice reference number including the SI prefix. e.g. SI12345678 or SI1234567A
Enter your Vehicle Registration Number
Your Vehicle Registration Number as shown on the Penalty Charge Notice.

Payment and security information

Your payment card details are directly processed by the Payment Management Division of Access Group, a leading provider of secure online payments services to local government, and are not collected nor accessible by Swindon Borough Council.

Access Group online payment management solutions are independently and rigorously security assessed, and are certified by Visa and MasterCard as a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Level 1 payment processor. Further information about this payment card security standard can be found at PCI Security Standards.

You can read our privacy notice to understand how we use information about you and how we protect your privacy.

You can also read some frequently asked questions about online payments.